Monday, December 6, 2010

Here I am...

I'm been missing in action, yet AGAIN. I just didn't have very much to say and didn't want to bore anyone, so it was best to lay low for awhile. As far as hCG is concerned, I didnt' try any of the phase 1 stuff.  I just didn't have time and besides that I kept forgetting about it. I've been talking to quite a few hcg'ers that are having success on the protocol now and I want to be apart of all that weight loss. Daily weight loss is so addicting! So I have decided to start my load days on saturday...YAYYY!!! I'm also gonna to a total of 3 load days because I want to. lol I'm gonna to a 30 day round so wish me the best.


  1. Hello, I just decided to start this diet, I'm on my second load day. I just hope it works! And I'm following you to see how you are doing. Take care!

  2. Thanks for following me Fatima! I'm so happy that i'm gonna have some company on this diet. I won't be too far behind you and I'm be sure to follow you as well. You'll love this diet once you start. Just follow it as it was written in Pounds & Inches and you can't go wrong.
