Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Drum Roll Please...

Yayyy! I woke up to a 2.4 pound release. I'll take it. Last night was really rough for me, I was so irritable for NO reason. After everyone was in bed I watch Housewives of Atlanta (DVR) and that made me feel a little better laughing at crazy NeNe. I manage to not cheat last night. That cake kept calling me,but to my suprise my husband finally ate it this morning. THANK YOU! My goal today to is to stick to protocol and drink my water. I also need to work on ways to deal with stress besides FOOD.


  1. You should try exercise...it is always a stress releaser for me...

  2. I'm planning to excercise in November. Hopefully, I can make to your Zumba class soon. Seems Really fun!
