Sunday, October 3, 2010

It's Going Down!!!

Tomorrow is the Day. Time to work this program like I've never worked it before. I'm looking forward to it. I just want to be healthy! As I get older the more I realize how important being healthy truly is. When your young you think you're invincible, but when you get a little older REALITY sets in real fast. I'm feeling the effects of being unhealthy. My back aches, by knees snap, crackle, and pop, and i'm zapped in the energy department. I have some other issues that my doctor told me were weight related and if not nipped in the bud, will more than likely turn into cancer. OK...It's really time to get to work now! It's not gonna be easy for me, living in a house where I'm the only fatty. I can't deprive my family of their goodies and snacks (or can I LOL), so I need to be a soldier. It will take me 40 days to lose 30-40lbs. I need to keep reminding myself of that. Let's NOVEMBER 14th I will have completed this round. That doesn't sound bad at all!

I'll be blogging more often when I start the protocol. I want my watchers and followers to know it's not all peaches and cream. Having a food addiction is a struggle. Keep it REAL! Until tomorrow, CHEERS.

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