Tuesday, October 12, 2010

On the road again...

THANK YOU!!! I thought that roller coaster would never end. I released 1 lbs today, YAYYY! I'm so happy to see the numbers going down. It's addicting! You want and expect the numbers to go down daily and when it doesn't it's depressing. So glad TOM took a hike, that rascal. Any way...I did have a chocolate protein shake yesterday. It didn't seem to hinder my weight loss, so I may have another today. By the time I make meals for my family I honestly don't feel like making a meal for myself. That sounds bad. It just seems that my meals take a little more preparation. There not second nature to me like my families meals. I don't even have time to make them all at once like I had hoped. I'd better think of something because I don't want what happened to me Sunday to happen again because of lack of preparation. The drops are really doing the trick to curb my hunger. In my opinion they are totally better than the rX kind in that area. I'm getting a little frustrated with how greedy people are when it comes to money. People are insistant with saying bad things about this diet or using hCG drops purely for profit. They say hCG drops don't work, BECAUSE they sell supply kits. They try to spread lies about this diet because they would rather you go under the knife $$$. That's one of the reasons I wanted to blog about my experience on the hCG Diet Protocol using hCG Drops. It's a given to many people that the rX version will work, so I'm here to say that most hCG drops work too. Sorry, for ranting a little bit about that, I had to get that off my chest. I honestly want to help every overweight person lose weight if I can and I think discouraging or confusing a person will not help their well being. This diet works! Cheers!!!

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